FOI reference: FOI-2024-1954

You asked

What is the number of female general practitioners and the number of male general practitioners in the UK?

How many female general practitioners are working part time and how many male general practitioners are working part time?

We said

Thank you for your query regarding General Practitioners in the UK. 

We estimate the number of people working in different occupations from the Annual Population Survey, based on interviews with people resident in households in the UK. Occupations are classified based on the Standard Occupational Classification 2020 (SOC2020).  

Under SOC2020 General Practitioners would be classified to occupation code 2211 - Generalist medical practitioners. The classification is wider than just General Practitioners working in general practice, also including non-specialist practitioners working in hospitals. 

We publish estimates of the number of people working in different occupations, including splits by sex and full-time/part-time on our Nomis website each quarter. Please see the following report to access this data: Employment by status and occupation.