FOI reference: FOI-2024-1945

You asked

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information for the Project:

Please provide:

  1. Copy of successful tender
  2. Scoring table of all bidders, split by scores awarded for each question of bid  
  3. Price/Cost Proposed by each Bidder -- we want this information for all the bidders who submitted the response
  4. Name of the Winning Bidder
  5. Name & Rank of all bidders who submitted responses
  6. Approximate date that the tender will be reissued towards the end of the current contract period

We said

Thank you for your request.

The notice referenced is to advertise a potential opportunity and is not a notice of tender or award a contract. No subsequent tender has been conducted yet but is likely to be issued in the next few months.